Five Benefits Of Office Space Rental
In these tough economic times, most businesses are looking for ways to cut back, especially on expenditures - one area which is often highlighted by cost saving experts are the bills of the company such as water and electricity - however an obvious but often overlooked area is the cost involved with the basic rental of the office space itself. On top of looking after your own office, you also have the expenditure of the usual utility bills as well as items such as stationery and furniture, which can often, in a large office, set you back into thousands of pounds.
Costs involving necessities such as your gas and electricity bills can be looked at, whether it's changing of a supplier or changing your ways in the office, for weeks and weeks. While you're likely to be able to save some money this way, have you ever thought of simply looking at your most direct cost - the office space rental?
Many companies, such as ourselves, offer office space rental services for what is, in total, a fraction of the cost of running your own office with full expenditures.
Simply by changing your office space to a serviced office as opposed to something self-run, you can save yourself money. Get in contact with us to discuss your requirements and see how much you could save.
At Mayfair Point, we offer office space rental where we provide an all inclusive bill, so you can easily understand your expenses for the month. As opposed to totalling up every last bill, along with expenses for stationery, computers and telephones, we provide you with everything so you don't have to worry about it.
With everything inclusive, from kitchen and showers, to telephones and desks, all the way through to paper and marker pens, we've got it covered. Whatever your requirements, we can provide office space in London to keep your business moving, at minimal cost.
Gatwick - 65 mins
Stanstead - 72 mins
(Corner of Oxford Street and South Molton Street)
34 South Molton Street
London W1K 5RG